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Cocobongo Art


this one is a winner. Cocobongo is the name. these dudes are based out of sabadell spain, pretty good stuff. their website is really unique and their graphics are damn good. I recommend taking a peek.

Koray Birand Photography


Woo Woo! this sucka' is a true hipster. the name is Koray Birand and some of his photography is pretty damn good. Lots of color and motion in the photos. The website is pretty good but maybe too much clicking to look at the images. One cool thing is that his Flickr site pops up and you can see what the guy is up in his real life. Some Sweet music plays while you look through the site, you'll feel like you are at some sort of hipster clothes store the whole time.

pure joy


Material is spent light.

You're spent light, the mountains are spent light, the trees are spent light, the atmosphere is spent light, water is spent light. All material is spent light.

If you know the orders, the reverse may be equally true, that material can turn to light. One does not know.

When spent light was in the image of the desire to be express, there was the presence of the inspiration. The desire to be to express meeting the means to express which was the material.

It was a moment when the desire to express met the possible.

today i am reminded of that trip in the spring of 2004. what a magnificent trip. i am reminded of the anxiety, i am reminded of the joy. 2nd year, 2nd semester... the extravert studio took a trip to the dallas-fort worth area. roberto lead the pack and with him a man that i barely knew then, larry. i discovered light during this trip. how great, it had been with me since i was born, but it wasn't until then that i saw it.


pure joy. today i talked with an man. i asked him what i wanted, and he pointed to my memories. he pointed to that timeless building that made silence speak. i can hear it. even while listening to my loud music i can hear it. and i wonder, how can you make silence speak? i will always ask myself that question.

Thank god for that magnificent trip.

Yang Tan Photography


This one is pretty good. Her name is Yang Tan and her photography is some pretty sweet stuff. There is a sort of silence in her photos, even the pictures that have lots going on seem to capture muteness for a second or two.

Nando Costa - illustration


lately i've become quite the web enthusiast, surfing from link to link and image to image. i've come accross some pretty cool sites. everything from photography, graphic artists, architecture firms, and just plain cool websites. i figure that i should share my findings with all of you so that i don't feel so guilty for spending hours upon hours of just staring at a computer screen.

so here is the first one, his name is Nando Costa and he's got some pretty cool animations as well as graphics. the music he uses in his animations ties everything together, i give it a 4 out of 5. give it a try and see what you think.