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l'aube est moins claire...

L'aube est moins claire, l'air moins chaud, le ciel moins pur ;
Les longs jours sont passés ; les mois charmants finissent.
Hélas ! voici déjà les arbres qui jaunissent !
L'automne est triste avec sa bise et son brouillard,
Et l'été qui s'enfuit est un ami qui part.

this is a poem about Fall. i learned it in my french class some time ago. when i learned that poem, i was still discovering this season. i never had it when i grew up. who would have tought that it would become my favorite season of the year?

i am tortured everyday as i am forced to go indoors and stare at a computer screen all day long. what a waste.

the poem talks about Fall in a way different than my thoughts. the poem talks about Fall as something that simply follows summer. it also says that things are less clear in the Fall. NOT TRUE. what about the leaves? what about the crispness of the air?

i posted several pictures of leaves. i love them. the bottom picture shows some leaves that i've been collecting for some weeks now. i go by the most amazing set of trees everyday i work. so i decided that i was going to collect a leaf every few days just so that i could always remember those trees. it works. sometimes when i don't want work on autocad, i just pull out those leaves and look at them. it reminds me of how beautiful the world is, and it makes happy.

one of the other things i love about Fall is the cold wind. somedays the wind and the temperature create the perfect condition where all the scents are eliminated. man, i really love that! i never wear gloves, (as weird as it maybe..) i really enjoy the feeling of cold on my hands, this is also accompanied by the natural instinct of sticking my hands in my pockets. if i wore gloves, i would never stick my hands in my pockets, so that's why i don't do it. i just love everything about it, i love Fall.

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