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the new year

so this is the new year, and what a year it will be....

as i sit here writing this, i wonder to myself- where has my winter break gone?! except i know the answer. i am working in beautiful Santa Barbara for these guys at S+D Architects, its a pretty good place but its kicking my ass. i am busier than when i was at school. i wake up at around 5:30-5:45 am, slowly wake up and get ready for work... but wait first i have to comute around 1 hour to 1 hour 15 min to work. yeah, that's the killer. i work all day (literally) lately i've been working until 9 or 10 at night. then i drive back home. but it doesn't end there, at home my father has been working on several home improvement projects (including painting the entire house!). when i get home, sometimes i still got to help my father out. besides that, i've been busy buying stuff for europe, trying to find out about a place here in Santa Barbara for next summer, scholarship shit, more school stuff, and on top of all this, i have to write a proposal for the thesis for next year.... man, i only sleep about 4 hours max a night, drive for about 3, work for about 11, do research for about 1 or 2, maybe 2 hours for eating and the other 2 hours are full of random shit.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! no worries, i'm happy- i will be in europe in less than two weeks. my friends that i miss so much will be there and i will be the happiest man on the planet. simply like that.
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1/16/2006 04:59:00 PM

thesis?!?! is there something i missed?  

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