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day 13 -- on top of florence

so today was an amazing day. it all started early in the morning in florence when we were headed for the Academia. what a wonderful place this Academia... today it gave me the privilege to see one of the most famous works of art from the renaissance period -- Michelangelo's David. But it doesn't stop there, in the very same room were located all of Michelangelo's Slaves and the Pietà. man, if only words could descrive what i felt while looking at all of this. how can someone achieve such beauty?

after a few hours of contemplation in the Academia, colleen, michelle, christy, and i walked to this little cafe where we had lunch. the food once again was delish. after that we continued on our journey, around the streets of florence. every time i go to florence i end up in the street market and this is not the exception. i have yet to buy something from those guys, maybe next time. we made our way to the inside of the Mercato Centrale where i bought half a kilo of dried fruit for 5 euro. thats pretty cheap. the bag of fruit contained delicious peices of mango, apricott, cherries, papaya, and coconut.

in the afternoon we made it the Uffizi gallery -- i'm not sure but its got to be one of the biggest museums in city, if not the biggest (my prof said it was 200,000 sf of gallery space). here, we found tons and tons of sculptures and paintings. amongst the paintings were The Birth of Venus by Boticelli, and The Medussa Shield. the sculptures included the Loaconte ("Loacoon" i think in english) anyways, the place was pretty danm good.

after the Uffizi, colleen and i continued on a quest to the top of the Duomo. a hard task this was, as they didn't use elevators back in the 1500's. we had to go up about 23 stories by foot! (i'm thinking it was about 55 billion steps) the cool thing is that we got to see how Brunellesci's dome was built and once we got to the top the view was unbelieveable. i din't know they could build such tall buildings 500 years ago. it was perfect timing on our part, we got to see the city under the sun, and then a beautiful sunset from the highest point in the city.

later that night, after we checked into our hostel (mental note, always remember to carry your passport) we had dinner at this place where for 10 euro you got enough food to eat a few meals. man, that was good. as night turned into late night- we had our first experince at a european discotheque. it was a place called Mecano in the red light district of florence. this place was pretty cool-- amazing music, amazing service, everyone was crazy good looking but it was also amazingly expensive. i think it was a little too exclusive for my taste, just to tell you that the guy at the front door would not let people in if they didn't meet his dress expectations (more especifically the kind of shoes you were wearing). whatev' it was tons of fun.

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