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yay for delish german food! today i am in köln (cologne),germany.

after four days in amsterdam, colleen and i took a train directly into berlin. its a crazy town. we ware there for four days and then proceeded to head in the direction of frankfurt where one can find a good selection of local foods at the saturday flea market. today i experienced the single most visited monument in germany - the Dom of köln. this church is the largest gothic building to hit the world, this sucker is huge -the top of the main spires are 157 meters tall!

so tomorrow is our last day in deutchland, a train will take us to paris where we will be until june 5th when our plane takes us to the USA. hope to see you soon! cheers!

so, i´m in valencia right now. the last two weeks i´ve spent in spain. barcelona, madrid and valencia. today i fly out of spain and into brussells. i´ll take a bus to amsterdam today too. se ya!

time to travel

ok, i will be traveling through europe until june 5th. right now i'm in barcelona. internet access is hard to find and expensive (and as you might guess, right now i'm really poor) so you won't hear much of me during this time. i apologyse. ok, time to keep going, adios!