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last night was the first annual Mexifest. the celebration was held to conmemorate the birthdates of adriana and myself. it was pretty fun...

the coolest thing was that colleen and adriana bought this piñata that was named Paquito. he was crazy. we partied like there was no end. just look at the pictures and judge for yourself...

lines, wind and sky - part deux


*this might be my favorite thing about kansas

this past sunday kelly, kevin and i visited the konza prarie. there is something about the silence in this place... its like the silence actually has a conversation with you. it talks about the clouds and the light and the grass. it is trully poetic.

anyways, the retreat was well needed and well worth it. we took our chipotle burritos and had semi-picnic there. we saw a total of about 20 wild turkeys, 2 deer, and illegally managed to get really close to a herd of about 30 bufallo. it was quite amazing. i went to this place last year, visited today and i will visit it again in the future. i recomend it to everyone (so let me know if you want to tag along next time).


*bullfight in madrid

*the canals of amsterdam

*monasteries in greece


*its time i start to express again...

life is a beautiful thing these days.

i was away for some time learning about different cultures and places. it is a great thing to be somewhere you have never been before. the perspective changes and all is amazing, even the most obvious object can evoke feelings that you have never experienced. from the beginning i noticed myself finding the beauty in the simplest things:

cobble stone streets
a train ride
cappuccino in the mornings
the smell of smoke

a well
greek food
street markets

this was never ending; day after day i would find something. and i think i awoke... no longer do i have to be in a different place to find the beauty in things. something clicked in my brain and its like i no longer wear those eyeglasses that have obstructed my perseption for 21 years. everything has beauty. how did this happen? why did it have to wait until now? i ask myself so many questions these days. most of the time i have no idea of how to answer.

is it possible that i am a totally different person than i was 1 year ago? who knows...