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Miles Aldridge Photography


olofsdotter illustration

pretty cool images.

good photography

david maisel has an amazing body of work, you should check him out sometime. you could say i'm a fan.

laundry day today

i love the ritual of doing laundry. for some reason its very relaxing; i think it may be the combination of detergent smell and the sound of the machines... i really don't know. and then there is the folding of the warm clothes... ah yes.

am i the only one that thinks like this?

*close-up of ceiling lights

city park pavilion

so below are a few images from a short studio project that i turned in about a month ago. the project was the redesign of a park pavilion which consisted of a stage, an ice rink, a dance studio and some offices. the catch was that we could only use certain tensile structural systems for the design.


*just a few pics from my home town.



ok, so here is the deal ::: i have a class in which we discuss poetics in architecture. we meet tuesdays and thursdays. our professor was going to be gone this thursday so he said that instead of going to class we should also take the day off and go somewhere in the country and find a poetic building.

*so we did.

five of us from the class teamed up and headed to minneapolis. we started driving wednesday night/thursday morning at 4:00 am. we returned saturday night/sunday morning at 4:00 am. it was fun.

a brief summary includes the following:

_stopping in Des Moines and visiting my roomate kyle's really cool firm
_going to the ridiculous Great Mall of America
_visiting the Walker art center by architects Herzog and de Meuron

_meeting cute french girls at the Walker art Center
_having seafood dinner with friends, including cute french girls
_Fashion show/techno dance at First Avenue also with the frenchies
_after party with models in a crazy loft

_lunch in a cool cafe
_visiting the New Guthrie Theatre by architect Je
an Nouvel
_determining the New Guthrie is poetic
_witnessing an album cover photo shoot for crazy jazz band
_the car breaking down about 30+ times during the trip
_stopping at lawrence for a drink at 1:00 am on the way back to manhattan

Kansas City


Today was a pretty cool day. It took place in Kansas City and it began with lunch at the famous Gates Barbeque restaurant. Man, those folk can cook! i had the "pork on bun" meal and i must say that it was really good. i think its a safe assumption that all of us enjoyed our food there.

After lunch we went to the intersection of 8th and Broadway where the site for our next project is to be designed. as it turns out we are designing an Expo for fabrics and textiles, the construction must be composed of a tensile structure and its supposed to be designed so that it can be taken apart six months after construction. we explored the site which is made up of open spaces in the "garment" district downtown. right now the site is composed of a park and several parking lots. we even went to this garment museum(which was really lame) and listened to an old couple talk about fashion for a while.

Once all of that was done, troy, bree and i went to the Aldo store in the plaza and bought some shoes. it has been a good day.