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nine months ago i was asked one of the most important questions in my life. what is more important: architecture or life? i will never forget that moment. as i thought about an answer to give him, alberto said - you shouldn't even have to think about it. Life is more important. he went on to explain that one should never forget about living and also expressed how important it was to not get caught up in this so called "architecture life". i've enjoyed life more ever since that moment. that doesn't mean i don't want to be an architect anymore, it just means that i value other things more. i really enjoy architecture (and i respect the practice so much...), but my goal is not be limited by it. there are just so many other things to experience! i don't want to trick my self into thinking that architecture is absolutely everything. i want to be true to myself. Thank you alberto campo baeza.
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11/16/2005 02:12:00 PM

i've been coming to that realization this past year too....  

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