goodbye to cali
so this is how i say good bye for now to california, standing here overlooking santa barbara.
next ahead is italia. i know that i will have a great time over there-- i can't wait. the next year and a half could prove to be the best time of my life so far. first is europe -- italia for a while and then a brief tour of the rest of europe. next summer will be great also, whether i am in europe still or back in california. and then school again, if everything goes well, six other students and i will replace our regular final year in studio for an independent studio in which we will study our own different architectural interests that the school doesn't give us. it just so happens to be that the school is about to go from a 4 year Bachelor of Arch to a six year Master of Arch. It was suggested to us that we volunteer to become a 'pilot' test for the upcoming curriculum change. to make the story short, we could end up receiving a masters out of five years of study. i don't really know how that works but apparently its possible.
but this i going to be hard, there are lots of people who don't want this kind of 'rebelness' going on in the college. it is going to be difficult to get our 'thesis' proposals to get approved by the faculty and when we do, it is going to be even harder to prove to the profs that we are actually doing a good enough of a job to receive the props that we will deserve.
but enough of that it is now time to concentrate on the times ahead. italia.