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day 15 - Carnavale

today was pretty cool. we went to Carnavale in this little town 30 mins from us. it was kind of crazy, the locals build huge floats and run them through the narrow city streets. lots of fun. lots of confeti. lots of good food. good day again. Ciao!
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2/16/2006 05:51:00 PM

hey babe!!!
it looks like you are having a blast.. sorry.. that i haven't emailed you or anything but itz been crazy over here.. i was gone from work all last week cuz i had a kidney infection..(im okay, don't worry) and so this week i've been really busy getting caught up in work.. i just printed all your entries for feb. so i can show our parents and mari! they will love looking at the pix and knowing how you've been... the other day i was looking at the pix on the other site, im not done yet... you post too many!!! jejeje.. i'll try to look at all of them this weekend.. like i said im very busy here at work, but i'll make some time to look at them!!! say hi to colleen, corey and charlie.. hope you guyz keep having fun and enjoying this awesome trip!!!
we love you and miss you..
email me or something!! you have my email..
talk to you laterz, CIAO!!!
tu hermanita,

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