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a little bit of my semester

Man... this semester has been a little crazy in studio. this was supposed to be our "construction documents" studio, but as many of you guys know- i hate the autoCAD. well, maybe not hate, but i definitely don't enjoy it (especially when you have to stare at the dammed black screen of death for days and days at a time). anything else i can deal with and in fact, love to do - free hand drawing, model making, and also just plain out drafting by hand - to name a few. this is the reason i've designed the same building so many times over... i love with a passion the freedom of schematic design and if i could, i would have the entire semester be like that.

the following are a series of images that sum up what i've done this semester. keep in mind that it's all the same project.

this is just a little taste of the big cake (a cake that doesn't include much autoCAD).
my professor is probably going to flunk me.
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