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day 17 -- another day of happiness

so today, just like every other tuesday, we had studio in the morning (10:00 - 12:30). i guess it went well, although i felt like my group was a little behind. whatev'. later in the day we had our drawing class with prof. mcnamara. this class also went well - we practiced drawing from slides that he would project on the screen. the excercises were sopossed to teach us how to "see" when drawing. it was pretty cool, some good sketches came out that. we also presented our chairs that he told us to draw as homework. not bad, (considering i drew them all this morning at about 7 in the a.m.) it think i could have done a little better.

so lets not forget that today was a very special day. valentine's day. the plan was to wake up early in the morning and sneak into colleen's room so that i could set a rose and a box of chocolates (i know, so stereotypical... but i searched for hours and hours and that's the best i could find) right by her side so that would be the first thing she saw whenever she woke up. the plan worked to perfection until the very last second when all the four girls woke up and i had to bust out running like a damn theif. it was pretty funny. later at night, colleen and i went to this little restaurant on the opposite side of the hill town. we both had pizza, only that hers was hot and it had tons of melted cheese and mine was like a tostada with all kinds of fresh vegetables, lettuce and cheese on top. we shared a some wine and munched on some little delicious chocolate desert candies that they served us. the night was fun. like i said another day of happiness! Ciao!
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