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the Acropolis

*the parthenon

sun. march 26

today is the national greek independence day. all party. it works out really well... we stayed the night near the Monastiraki square, right at the foot of the acropolis. when we woke up, everybody was out and about, talking, eating, drinking, having fun... it also just so happened to be the last sunday of the month; another plus beacause they don't charge admission for a lot of venues during this day. good deal, huh? too bad we had to leave later that day. anyways, we headed up to the acropolis somewhat early in the morning. it was cool because we didn't have to pay.

man, it feels really good to see something you've only known in books. its crazy... it was only when i was standing right in front of the parthenon that i trully knew why i had seen it so many times in all those books. it is beautiful.

*porch of the carytids

we spent sometime up in the acropolis, wondering around... for me it was like the perfect good-bye to this country. who knows when i'll return. i hope that it is soon. greece has a wonderful soul, the people here are just so damn cool and the food is to die for. good bye greece (wheep, wheep).

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