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plains, trains and automobiles

*the milan station

sat., march 18

well, today was a tavel day. we took the early train from verona into milan. once in the milan trainstation, a bus took us on a one hour ride to the airport. from the airport a plane took us to athens. nice.

athens is cool. in fact i love athens. the people are so cool there. dinner that night consisted of lamb and delicious rice. yum. oh, yeah, we also had some amazing gyros right on the monastiraki square... so freaking delish and crazy cheap! late that night we also went out in the monastiraki area, i'll have to say that this was one of the most happening places in any city that i've been too. soooo many bars and people and delicious food! (not to mention super close to the acropolis too!) greece rocks!

*the view of the acropolis from our room

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