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day 19 -- the aztec sun

its finally thursday! this means that today i had my stonecarving again. it is our second time meeting with Maestro Bruni, but this time we actually got to carve something. i'm taking this class with charlie, colleen, sarah, so this class might actually be my favorite class of the semester. i just want to carve until i have no strength in my arms anymore! this is a tough skill; i thought it would be a walk in the park, but soon i found out that it takes lots of practice to be good at it. the class was 3 hours long and i only had enough time to finish this little aztec sun, it was pretty pathetic looking but i like it. colleen decided to do the super hard shape of a spiral, sarah did a flower, and charlie did a gufo (an owl). i had tons of fun. our instructor is the coolest old man i've met. he can carve anything that you could ever think of from stone! i'm not kidding, the man has got certificates from the president! he did a statue of the pope, a dresser (with working drawers), and even a wagon complete with a set of oxen, and fully working parts! he even has the guiness world record for carving the longest link chain from stone! and i'm not even going to talk about his crazy amazing paintings.... he is such a good soul; he would be like the perfect grandfather. other than that, today was a normal day in Castiglion Fiorentino. amazing day again.... Ciao!

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