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*jelly fish lamps

fri. april 7

our day started way early today, 4:00 am to be exact. the long ride in the bus took us to milan. the goal was an easy one - arrive at the Milan Furniture Fair and embrase the furniture for the entire day. sweet. this place was huge! i would not doubt it if this building is a mile long, and it was all filled with the best designs in the world. as soon as we arrived (9:00 am) we started walking and we didn't end it until about 5:00 pm. we saw kitchens, bathrooms, chairs, beds, lighting, storage, tables...everything!

one of the coolest things was the student exhibition. there was about 100 participants from all over the world, including two mexican teams. the cool thing was that you got to see the designer presenting their work and it was probably their best friend helping out. it was rather different in the professional section. anyways, it was all pretty damn sweet. ciao!

*the building

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