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Parco di Monstri and Villa Lante

Wed. march 29

it was only two days without traveling and there we went again. only this time it was not to venice or greece, it was to parco di monstri and villa lante, two italian renaissance gardens. it was actually pretty cool.

our bus left early in the morn and headed towards Bomarzo, the town where parco di monstri is located. this garden was done for some guy who really liked fictional stories and poems, so it is filled with characters from tales and others that i'm sure he made up. huge stone turtles, giants fighting each other, slanted houses, monster faces... and the list goes on and on. i bet its a really cool place to play "hide and go seek."

Villa lante was in some ways the opposite. this garden was very rectalinear and regulated as well being on a central axis. don't get me wrong, i still liked it a lot. the coolest part is the stream that runs through the whole thing. they deviated a river back in the day and redirected some of the water to the top of the hill. its amazing how the elaborate design depends only on gravity. its really cool.

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