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*i apologize

i bet you have noticed that i've not posted anything for long time now.... lately i've been extremly busy finishing up a few projects for school and getting ready for my next adventure. this explains why today i posted what i should have been posting for the past three weeks. sorry about that.

*it will happen again.

here in about two hours i will be taking the train to venice. yay for that. after five days there, i will be in greece for another ten aditional days. yay for that too. i'm just apologysing to you guys in advance for not posting anything until about the end of march. thats when i'll be back. i'm positive that this will be the best trip yet and i'll be dying to tell you all about it, so stay tuned. Ciao!
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3/14/2006 07:14:00 PM

hey babe!!!
pues no mas pasaba really quick to let you know where i posted some pics.. i still have to get the other ones.. these are just a couple that we took with my cell phone!!!
i put them in myspace.com...
its.. http://www.myspace.com/yessilamija  

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