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burritos, chinese, and a leaning tower

fri. march 3rd, sat. march 4th

so this was a pretty good weekend. colleen and i departed friday morning to florence with the only goal to eat lunch at this place called eby's. yes. the goal was met and it was happiness. you see, this particular restaurant sells... burritos! yes! score! thank god i got to taste some beans and tortillas, i thought i was going insane without it. florence was fun, we walked around for hours and when it was eventually time to eat din din, we decided to call it a non-italian food day and eat chinese. i thought the chinese place we went to was ok, but it could have been lots better. its ok though, it was very cheap. we stayed at this hostel right by arno river... very cool. saturday we woke and headed to pisa. i must say it was pretty cool seeing the leaning tower in person. we didn't stick around pisa for too long, after all, there is only a couple things to see. whatev', it was good while it lasted. Ciao!

*view of the arno at night


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