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day 20, 21, and 22 -- busy little bee

well, like i said before -- i'm still a student. this means i have projects. our first major project is due monday feb. 20th. i guess to some degree this is the reason i haven't done too many exciting things this weekend. i've been working on the project some, playing ping-pong, reading, doing laundry, eating good food, sleeping, eating gelato, eating more good food and playing more ping-pong. i was going to go to Cortona yesterday (saturday) but i didn't cause i was going to work in studio -- yeah right. i should have gone to cortona. oh well....

now that its sunday i really got to work on my project. we'll see how it comes out. next week we'll be hitting rome. we leave on tuesday and i think we'll come back on sunday. we also plan to see pompei during this trip, i'm pretty excited for that. ok got to go! Ciao!
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