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ROMA -- journo uno

roma is beauty. today i touched rome for the first time in my life. we arrived at the train station at about 10 in the morning. and yes - the rumors were very true - it was raining. a bus took the group on a brief ride through the city and ultimatly leading to Campo di Fiori, an old and well known piaza in town where our hotel was located. we ate lunch at this really cool (as well as cheap) little pizza place that was playing all kinds of hispanic music. we met up with marco at around 2 pm, he then took us on a walk that i will never forget.

the rain did not matter. the first major thing we saw was Piazza Nouvona, an old hipodrome converted onto a great piazza space during the 17th century. next was the Pantheon. i could not believe my eyes, the rome that i had only seen in books was now in front of me. i could smell it, touch it, hear it. and to make things better, the rain had seized. the pantheon was beautiful. how can a building that is 2000 years old still be standing in perfect condition?

from there we headed towards the Foro Romano. this practically where the center rome would have been 2000 years ago. the place is full of ruins such as constantine's arch and constantine's basilica. from there we just walked a few meters to the COLOSEUM. wow what a sight that was.... everything was perfect. it was so beautiful that my words are not worthy. the afternoon was beautiful so we decided to take the walk all the way to the famous tempietto, the church built on the spot where st peter was crusified. on the way we passed by the circus maximun-- back in the roman days this hypodrome could hold about 250,000 spectators, too bad all that exists today is a boring grassy field. to our surprise the tempietto was closed. that made me real sad. oh well, the view from the site was well worth the hike and it was a perfect way to end the day.

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