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day 23 -- class and a rainbow

monday, feb. 20th. today was a pretty cool day. so as it always is, i stayed up all night last night to finish up the project for studio. yes, i pulled an all nighter in italy; i have a feeling it won't be the last one either.

my group presented at about 11:30 in the a.m.; it went really well. all of our drawings were finished, well drawn and they were very informational too. if i was my teacher i would give myself an A++++. well, maybe we didn't do that well, but we did well enough.

during the day, we started to get a hint of what was apparently waiting for us in rome. RAIN. yeah, the rumor is going around that the whole time we are in rome it is supposed to be raining. damn. oh well, we'll see about that. the cool thing about the rain today was that there was a moment when the clouds were peirced and the rays of the sun could touch the surface of the earth again. and there it was -- the coolest rainbow i have seen. i know it sounds kind of lame, but i guess you just had to be there. everything was perfect during that moment -- the light, the temperature, the smell, and the sounds. i guess for me it just symbolized the beauty that was was about to come starting tomorrow. eventhough everyone keeps saying its going to be sucky because of the rain, i believe that i will find myself surrounded by beauty and nothing else will matter. tomorrow we depart to Rome. i'll be there for about a week. i hope to god that it is as beautiful as it has been in my dreams... ciao.
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