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ROMA -- Journo due

today i explored the Vatican City. the day started very early in morning as we made the walk from our hotel to the vatican city. the first thing on the list was the vatican museum. this place is very extensive in its collection, and its collection is extensive in beauty. i got to see some of the most famous works of art in the world. my encounters included "the school of athens" by rafael, the famous Laocoon, and most important - The Sistine Chapel by the man himself, Michelangelo.
it was a magnificent place to be in, althogh the crowds did not help.

later after having a delicious lunch for only 5 euros (amazing!) i headed for St Peters. WOW. i will not attempt to describe the emotions that one experiences in this place. i can't. after spending much time outside in the piazza sketching, i decided to take the exhausting walk up to the top of the dome. the view was great. i spent almost an hour on the top, it was so beautiful...

the highlight of the day was when i finally came down from the dome and went inside St Peters. this church was unbelievable. the timing was great, they had just started mass as i entered the basilica. so i stayed for mass, which by the way, was one of the most beautiful events i've been to in my life. after mass i only stayed after to take a few photos and then left as they were closing the church for the night. Today was a great day. i'll never forget it.
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