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genova and the aquarium

sat. april 8

oh yes, genova, the city of christopher columbus... and also home to the second largest aquarium in europe!

today was f*^%$# sweet. we arrived at the aquarium early in the day, a good thing because all kinds of people started showing up right after we did. the building, designed by renzo piano, really sucked (very disapointing), but other than that is was awesome. i got to so see some really cool animals. sharks, turtles, starfish, seahorses, penguins, seals and coral reef. i also got to pet some sting rays. the best thing though, were the jelly fish. man, those things are sweet!!!! i really want one.

after hours of looking at the sea creatures, we had lunch at this food festival right next to the aquarium. they had food from pretty much all of europe. our lunch consisted of german hotdogs and chocolate covered strawberry kabobs. delish.

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