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oh, the fun times.....

-oh kelly, please don't cry... you don't have to listen to marco if you don't want...

-haha! you're life is in my hands!

-ah holy smokes! its a plane! its a train! no! it is but an OWL!

-what was that? oh yes, the meteor is coming.

-Tired the Bear got mateo.


-oh man, what were doing!?
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2/20/2006 09:23:00 PM

dude. charlie looks so awesome. tell him that for me. also tell him i love him. but don't tell him i love you more. that is pretty obvious isn't it?  

2/21/2006 03:19:00 AM

hello my good friend. thanks so much for your comments. i must say that i truly enjoy keeping up with your adventures. every time i look at your pictures and journal entries i find new places i want to travel. YOU INSPIRE ME!! we should travel to some of these beautiful places. let me know if you have any ideas.  

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