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montepulciano & pienza

wed. april 19

*this is tuscany

today we visited one of the most beautiful sites in tuscany my senses have witnessed. the bus took us to montepulciano in the morning where we saw the church of San Biagio. it was a small church just outside of the city. the visit was short and we didn't have time to do much.

* san biagio

our next destination was Pienza, located about 35 mins from montepulciano. this town is blessed by some of the most beautiful views in italy. the town sits on a hill overlooking tuscany, and when i say tuscany i mean heaven. it just so happened that our lunch was a prearranged deal with one of the local restaurants. WOW! the food was freaking fantastic. bruschetti, lasagna, delicious bread, salad, fried potatoes, pork, chicken, beef, homemade tiramasu and all the wine i desired! heaven for my senses. today was a day i will never forget.


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4/27/2006 10:09:00 AM

absolutely beautiful post. i have to admit that i enjoy tuscany more than umbria. but, we'll keep that between you and me.

i await your upcoming arrival to orvieto...  

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