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orvieto yay

*well of st patrick... taken from about 3/4 of the way up.

wed. april 12

this trip was tons of fun. we arrived on tuesday night, my friends mark, kyle, alex and gabe provided free accomodations. not only that, but mark also fed me and charlie with some delicious food. that night reminded me of house parties back in manhattan. a whole bunch of us from castiglion came that night and got together with all the orvieto folk at one of their houses. we drank and danced and chatted and then drank some more. it was fun.

on wednesday we actually went out and saw the town like a good student should. first on the list was Il Pozzo di San Patrizio, the well of st. patrick. this well was constructed in the 1500's by orders of the pope. its crazy cool. the well consists of a path that would allow donkeys to go to the bottom (about 200 ft) of the well and then back up with out running into someone going the opposite direction at all. this made possible with a double helix stair up and down. crazy stuff.

we also saw the duomo of orvieto. its really big and crazy cool. too bad my camera had no juice and i could only take one picture the whole time we were there. damn. oh well, it was still a blast.
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